Ziarat to be recited at the Grave of Imam Hussain (asws)

Imam Jafar Sadiq (asws) narrates:

Recite the following when you enter the Ha’yr:

O’ Allah! You have honored and distinguished me by allowing me to be at this shrine.

O’Allah! Grant my requests due to my true faith in You and in Your Messengers

Salam of Allah be upon You, O Son (asws) of RasoolAllah (saw).

And the salam and the pure and blessed greetings of the angels be upon You

And salam be upon those angels nearest to Allah

And salam be upon those whose hearts are submissive before You and whose tongues recite Your attributes

I testify You are Sadiq al Sadeeq (the trustworthy of the trustworthy). You spoke the truth regarding that which You invited the people towards and in all that which You brought forth.

For Allah is the avenger of Your blood on the earth, a blood which cannot be avenged on earth except through the hands of Your Auwliya.

O’Allah! Cause me to love visiting Their sites and to be martyred as They were martyred until you allow me to join Them and to be in Their service. Make amongst Their followers in this life and in the hereafter

Then walk a short distance, say Allahu Akbar seven times. Stand beside the grave and recite:

Glorified is He whom the physical world as well as the spiritual world glorifies and whose names are glorified by all of His creation. Glorified is Allah, al Malik, al Qadoos, Lord of the angels and of the ruh (spirits)

O’Allah! Record me as amongst Your visitors, who came to the best of Your places and to the best of Your creation

O’Allah! Send Your lanat upon Jibt and Taghut and upon those who follow them and those who obey them

O’Allah! Allow me to behold all of the blessed stations in the company of the Ahlul Bayt (asws) of Your Prophet (saw)

O’Allah! Make me die as a muslim and allow me to have a sure footing with the remaining inheritors from amongst Your righteous servants “Who shall inherit the Paradise; they shall abide therein.” (Quran 23:11)

Then say Allahu Akbar five times, walk a short distance and recite:

O’ Allah! I believe in You and I am certain of Your promise.

O’ Allah! Maintain me with iman (faith) and make it constant within my heart

O’ Allah! Make what I say with my tongue be a truth which I carry in my heart and a charter which I abide by through my actions

O’ Allah! Make me amongst those whose path is firm with Hussain (asws) and count me as amongst those who were martyred alongside Him

Then say Allahu Akbar three times, raise both of your hands and place them on the grave. And then recite:

I testify that You are Tuhir (purity )and Tahir (purifier); the Son of Tuhir and Tahir

You are purity and the lands become purified through You. The dust that You lie within is tahir and Your Haram is also tahir

I testify You advised and invited the people towards justice and fairness

Allah will avenge Your blood on the earth and His revenge will be taken from all of His creation

Then place both of your cheeks upon the grave. After sit down and glorify Allah. Supplicate to Him however you wish. Afterwards, place your hands beside His feet and recite:

May the blessings of Allah be upon Your soul and upon Your body. You always spoke truth for You are al Sadiq (trustworthy), al MuSadiq (the trustworthy one)

May Allah kill anyone who participated in martyring You whether they participated by their hands or their tongues.

Then turn towards Ali (asws) ibn Hussain (asws); recite whatever you wish.  After stand, turn towards the grave of the martyrs and recite:

Salam be upon you, o’ martyrs

You are our leaders and we soon shall follow you. Be joyful regarding that unbroken promise of Allah. Allah will avenge your blood and will seek revenge from His enemies on the earth through you. You are the masters of the martyrs in this life and in the hereafter.

Then face the grave of Hussain (asws) and perform as many rakats of prayers as you wish. Then recite:

I have come to You as Your guest. I beseech Allah through You for all of my requests in this life and in the hereafter. Those who beseech Allah do so through You. Those who seek revenge will be avenged by Allah through You.

Then slowly and with calm recite Allahu Akbar eleven consecutive times. After walk a short distance, turn towards the Qiblah and recite:

Praise be to Allah, al Wahid, who solely controls all of the affairs. He created the creation and none of their affairs is beyond His knowledge; for He knows everything through His power

The earth and those within it have guaranteed that Your blood will be avenged, O’ Son of RasoolAllah (saw)! May the blessings of Allah be upon You

I testify that Allah has promised to support You and to make You victorious. He (Allah) has promised to destroy Your enemies and Allah will fulfill His promise with You

I testify that those who followed You are the Sadiqoon (truthful) whom Allah speaks about when He says, “they are the truthful ones , and the witnesses (who testify), in the eyes of their Lord: They shall have their Reward and their Noor.” (Quran 57:19)

Then recite Allahu Akbar seven times, walk a short distance, then turn towards the grave again and recite:

Praise be to Allah who “did not take to Himself a son, and Who has no associate in the kingdom, and Who created everything, then ordained for it a measure” (Quran 25:2)

I testify You invited the people towards Allah and towards His Messenger (saw). And You fulfilled the promise of Allah. You rose with the words of Allah and fought in the way of Allah until that which was certain came to You

May the lanat of Allah be upon the nation who slaughtered You

May the lanat of Allah be upon the nation who oppressed You

May the lanat of Allah be upon the nation that abandoned You

And may the lanat of Allah be upon the nation that betrayed You

O’Allah I take You as my witness that I love those whom You love and those whom Your messengers love. And I testify that I disassociate myself from those whom You and Your messengers have disassociated from

O’ Allah! Send lanat upon those who opposed Your messengers, destroyed Your Kaaba, distorted Your Book, spilled the blood of the Ahlul Bayt (asws) of Your Prophet (saw), caused evil in Your land, and mocked Your servants

O’Allah! Continue to increase Your chastisement upon them for as long as there are travelers upon Your paths, Your lands, and Your seas

O’Allah! Send lanat upon them from everywhere and in every way

Imam (asws) added, “And every time you enter the Ha’yr say salam and place your hands upon the grave.”

Hadith 2:

Imam (asws) said, “When you perform the Ziarat of Aba Abdullah Imam Hussain (asws), perform ghusl on the banks of the River Furat (Euphrates) and wear your most purified (pak) clothes. Walk barefoot towards the grave for you are in one of the Harams of Allah and His Messenger (saw). You should continuously recite Takbir (Allahu Akbar) and Tahleel (la illah illa Allah). Continuously glorify Allah. Send blessings upon Muhammad (saw) and His Ahlul Bayt (asws) until you reach the door of the Ha’yr. Then you should recite:

Salam be upon You, O’ Hujjatullah (proof of Allah) and Son of Hujjatullah

Salam be upon You, O’ angels of Allah who are the visitors of the grave of the Son of the Prophet (saw) of Allah

Then take ten steps, stop and say Allahu Akbar thirty times. Then walk towards the grave from the direction of the head. Stand beside the grave with your face towards the face of Hussain (asws) and your back towards Qiblah and recite:

Salam be upon You, O’ Hujjatullah and Son of Hujjatullah

Salam be upon You, O’ Martyr of Allah and the Son of the Martyr of Allah

Salam be upon You, O’ Tharullah and the Son of Tharullah

Salam be upon You O’ the unavenged One of Allah in the heavens and the earth whose vengeance Allah has not yet taken

I testify that Your blood dwells in the eternal Jannah. Those who carry the Arsh tremble due to it and all of the creation mourns over it.

And the seven heavens, the seven earths, that which is on them and that which is between them, and all of the creation of our Lord which stirs within Jannah and Jahannum, that which can be seen and that which cannot cries over Your blood

I testify You are Hujjatullah and the Son of His Hujjat (proof).

I testify You are the one who was slain in the way of Allah and the Son of the one who was slain in the way of Allah

I testify You are Tharullah on the earth and the Son of Tharullah

I testify You are the unavenged of Allah in the heavens and the earth; the one whose vengeance has not yet been taken by Allah

I testify You advised the people and proclaimed the message of Allah. You were devoted and faithful to Allah and fought in the way of Your Lord. I testify You left this world the same way as You lived in this world; as a martyr who desired martyrdom and as a witness over the creation of Allah and one who is witnessed to

I am the slave of Allah and Your servant. I have come to You as a guest to beg for You to protection my position before Allah and to keep my foot firmly following Your path and to beg to be on the path which will not prevent those who follow it from receiving a guarantee from You; the guarantee which Allah has ordered for those who follow You

Those who seek Allah begin with You, those who seek Allah begin with You, those who week Allah begin with You

Allah manifests the truth through You and He keeps afflictions away from us through You. Allah began with You and He shall end with You. Allah abolishes and upholds that which He pleases through You

Allah removes our shame through You and He shall avenge the unavenged blood of the momin through You. The trees in the earth grow and bear fruit through You. The skies rain and send down sustenance through You. Allah removes the sorrows through You and showers us with His mercy through You. The earth, which encompasses Your bodies, glorifies Allah through You. And it is through You the mountains are firmly fixed in the land.

The will of Allah regarding His destined affairs descends to You and issued to the creation from Your Houses just as the rulings of Allah over His slaves are issued from Your houses.

Lanat be upon those who martyred You, those who opposed You, those who denied Your Divine Authority, those who supported one another against You, and those who were present when You were martyred but were not martyred with You. Praise be to Allah who made Hell their final destination. What a terrible abode hell is and what an evil dwelling their dwellings shall be.

Praise be to Allah, the Lord of the Worlds

Then repeat the following:

May the blessings of Allah be upon You, o’ Aba Abdullah. I seek nearness to Allah by disassociating myself from those who oppressed You

Then move towards His Son, Ali (asws), who is located beside the feet of Hussain (asws) and recite:

Salam be upon You, O’ Son of RasoolAllah (saw)

Salam be upon You O’ Son of Ameerul Momineen (asws)

Salam be upon You O’ Son of Hasan (asws) and Hussain (asws)

Salam be upon You O’ Son of Khadijah (sa) al Kubra and O’ Son of Syeda Fatima Zahra (sa)

The recite the following three times:

May the blessings of Allah be upon You, May the lanat of Allah be upon those who slaughtered You. I seek the nearness of Allah by disassociating myself from them

Then stand, point your hand towards the martyrs and recite the following three times:

Salam be upon You, I swear by Allah that You are victorious

Then recite:

I wish I was amongst you so that I could have achieved your great victory

Then go around the grave and stand behind the grave of Aba Abdullah Imam Hussain (asws). Pray six rakats of prayer while facing the grave. Once you have done all of this, your Ziarat will be complete. At that point, you can choose to remain or go; whichever you wish.”

Hadith 3

Imam Jafar Sadiq (asws) narrates:

When you perform the Ziarat of the grave of Hussain (asws), first go to the River Furat and perform ghusl in the part which is opposite of the grave. Then walk towards Hussain (asws) with calm and reverence until you reach the Ha’yr.  Enter from the door on the east side. Upon entering recite:

Salam be upon the high-ranking angels of Allah. Salam be upon the descending angels of Allah. Salam be upon “the angels, rank on rank” (Quran 8:9). Salam be upon “the havoc-making angels” (Quran 3:125).  Salam be upon the angels of Allah that reside inside this Ha’yr by the permission of Allah.

When you face the grave of Hussain (asws), recite:

Salam be upon RasoolAllah (saw). May the blessings of Allah be upon Muhammad (saw), the trustee of Allah over His Messengers and the trustee over the amr (commands) of Allah, and the Seal of all of the Prophets  Salam be upon Him and may the mercy and blessings of Allah be upon Him

Then recite:

Salam be upon Ameerul Momineen (asws), Your servant and the brother of Your Messenger (saw), the One whom You chose by Your knowledge and appointed as a guide for those amongst Your creation, the guide to whom You sent Your revelations, the undisputed ruler of the religion who rules with Your adl (justice), the One who judges between Your creation, Salam be upon Him and may the mercy and blessings of Allah be upon Him

O’Allah! Send Your blessings upon Hasan (asws) ibn Ali (asws), Your servant and the Son of Your Messenger (saw), the One whom You chose by Your knowledge and appointed as a guide for those amongst Your creation, the guide to whom You sent Your revelations, the undisputed ruler of the religion who rules with Your adl (justice), the One who judges between Your creation, Salam be upon Him and may the mercy and blessings of Allah be upon Him

Then send salam upon Hussain (asws) and to the rest of the Imams (asws) in the same way as you sent salam and blessings upon Hasan (asws) ibn Ali (asws).

After you recite the salams, go beside the grave of Hussain (asws) and recite:

Salam be upon You, O’ Aba Abdullah!

Salam be upon You, O’ Son of RasoolAllah (saw)

May the blessings of Allah be upon You O’ Aba Abdullah. May the blessings of Allah be upon You, O’ Aba Abdullah!

I testify that You made known all that which Allah ordered, and that You feared no one other than Allah. And You fought in His way and worshipped Him truthfully and sincerely until that which is certain came upon You (when You departed from this world).

I testify You, Imams (asws), are kalamatul taqwa (words of piety Quran 48:26), Babul Hadi (Door of Guidance), the firmest handle (Quran 2:256), and the Hujjat (proof) upon those who remain (alive) and those who are already beneath the ground (deceased)

I testify You have always held this status and it will always remain evident within You

I testify Your souls and Your clay are blessed and pure by the mercy and favor of Allah

I take Allah and You as witnesses that I believe in You and I am certain of Your return. I follow You in my life and in the edicts of my religion. I follow You regarding the destiny of my deeds, my return to Allah, and my abode. And I ask Allah (swt) to fulfill this for me.

I testify that You made known all that which Allah ordered, and that You feared no one other than Allah. I testify You fought in His way and worshipped Him until that which is certain came upon You.

May the lanat of Allah be upon those who slaughtered You

May the lanat of Allah be upon those who ordered those who slaughtered You

May the lanat of Allah be upon those who heard about Your martyrdom and were pleased by it

I testify those who violated Your holiness and spilled Your blood are accursed by the tongue of the Prophet of Mecca (saw)

Then recite:

O’ Allah! Send Your lanat on those who denied Your blessings, went against Your nation, renounced Your orders, accused Your Messenger (saw) and deviated the people away from Your path

O’ Allah! Fill their graves and their stomachs with fire and resurrect them and their followers, blind, in Hell

O’ Allah! Send Your lanat upon them in such a way that every high-ranking angel, every prophet who was sent as a messenger, and every momin whose heart has been tested with faith will also send lanat upon them

O’ Allah! Send Your lanat upon them at every time, both openly and secretly

O’ Allah! Send lanat upon all of the Jibt (idols), Taghut, and the pharaohs of this nation

And send lanat upon the killers of Ameerul Momineen (asws)

And send lanat upon the killers of Hasan (asws) and Hussain (asws) and chastise them with a chastisement that is so immense You will never nor have never punished anyone from amongst the inhabitants of the worlds with a chastisement like it

O’Allah! Make us amongst those who receive Your support, those who support You, and those whom have gained Your favor by Your using them to support Your religion in this life and in the hereafter

Then sit beside His head (asws) and recite:

May the blessings of Allah be upon You

I testify that You are the servant of Allah and His trustee. You proclaimed the message of Allah with fidelity, fulfilled Your duties with devotion.  You were the one with truth at the time of Your martyrdom and You left this world with absolute yaqeen (certainty)

And that You did not give preference to ignorance over guidance and You never separated from haq to go towards falsehood

I testify You performed salat, gave zakat, enjoined good, forbade evil, followed RasoolAllah (saw), recited the Book (of Allah) the way it was meant to be recited, and with wisdom and good counsel You called the people to the path of Your Lord

May the everlasting, ever increasing blessings and salam of Allah be upon You

I testify You had the understanding of Your Lord. You proclaimed that which You were ordered to and fulfilled Your duty towards Allah. You believed in the truth of those who came before You without hesitation.  May the blessings and salam of Allah be upon You

May Allah reward You with abundance on behalf of Your nation

I testify that Jihad is only jihad when it is with You, that You are haq and that haq leads to You, that You are the people of haq and the source of haq (truth), and that the inheritance of the Nabuwiat (prophet hood) is for You and for the Family of the Prophet (saw)

I testify You are the most trustworthy before Allah and You are His Hujjat (proof) upon His (Allah) creation

I testify that Your cause is haq and that the cause of any other—appointed by the people—is false and invalid and I testify Allah is haq al mabeen

Then move towards His feet, recite duas and pray for yourself. Afterwards, move towards the head of Ali (asws) ibn Hussain (asws) and recite:

May the salam of Allah, His high-ranking angels and His prophets who were sent as messengers be upon You, O’ my Moula and Son of my Moula (asws), May the blessings and mercy of Allah be upon You

May the blessings and mercy of Allah be upon You, Your Family and the Offspring of Your Righteous and Pious Forefathers (asws); those whom all impurities were kept away from Them by Allah

Then go to the graves of the martyrs and say salam to them by reciting:

Salam be upon you, o’ godly men. You have preceded us. You are our leaders and we are your followers and supporters. I testify you supported Allah for Allah says in His book, “How many of the prophets fought (in Allah’s way), and with them (fought) Large bands of godly men? but they never lost heart if they met with disaster in Allah’s way, nor did they weaken (in will) nor give in. And Allah Loves those who are firm and steadfast.” (Quran 3:146)

You never lost heart, were not weak, and did not back down before your enemies until you met Allah on the path of haq as the supporters of Kalamatullah (complete word of Allah, Imam Hussain asws)

May the blessings and salam of Allah be upon your souls and your bodies. Rejoice in the promise of Allah, which does not disappoint. “for Allah never fails in His promise” (Quran 3:9) and Allah will avenge you just as He promised.

You are the masters of the martyrs in this life and in the hereafter. You are the foremost, the Muhajirs, and the Ansars (Quran 9:100) and I testify you were martyred while following the traditions of RasoolAllah (saw) and the Son of RasoolAllah (saw)

Praise be to Allah who fulfilled His promise with you and showed you that which you love

Then bid farewell to Hussain (asws) and recite:

I have come to You O’ Beloved of RasoolAllah (saw) and the Son of His Rasool (saw) while believing in Your. I testify to Your rights and I believe in Your greatness, am certain of the corruption in those who opposed You, and I believe in the path of guidance that You stand on. May my mother and father be sacrificed upon You

O’Allah! I send blessings upon Hussain (asws) just as You, Your messengers, and Ameerul Momineen (asws) send blessings upon Him, blessings which are continuous, everlasting and every increasing, blessings which follow one after another with no interlude, blessings which have no end nor limit.  Send these blessings upon Him while we are here and continue to send them once we depart until we come back for His Ziarat

May the salam, mercy and blessings of Allah be upon Him (Hussain asws)